802.11 standards

This part of WLAN tutorial covers following:

•  What is wlan?   •  WLAN standards-11a,11b,11g,11n,11ac   •  11a WLAN Physical layer   •  11b WLAN Physical layer   •  11n WLAN Physical layer   •  WLAN 802.11-ac   •  WLAN 802.11-ad   •  WLAN MAC layer   •  Difference between 11a,11b,11g,11n   •  WLAN router providers   •  WLAN providers  

This page covers 802.11 WLAN standards which include 802.11a,11b,11g,11n,802.11ac,11ad standards as per IEEE WLAN specifications.It covers both PHY and MAC layers.

This article describes about IEEE 802.11 standard history, description and various protocols. IEEE 802.11 is a family of WLAN standards which is used as wireless communication medium between computers. It operates at various RF frequency bands viz. 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz.

Description with history:

Protocols in 802.11 standards

IEEE 802.11-1997 standard- Describes PHY and MAC layers of WLAN standard.
IEEE 802.11a-1999 standard- Describes 11a PHY and MAC layers. Read WLAN 11a PHY layer. /Articles/Overview_of_11a_PHY_layer.html

IEEE 802.11b-1999 standard Describes 11b PHY and MAC layers. Read WLAN 11b PHY layer.
IEEE 802.11g-2003 standard Describes 11g PHY and MAC layers.
IEEE 802.11-2007 standard Describes 802.11 PHY and MAC layers.
IEEE 802.11n-2009 standard Describes WLAN 11n PHY and MAC layers, 11n PHY Layer➤
IEEE 802.11ac standard Describes WLAN 11ac PHY and MAC layers.

RELATED LINKS for 802.11 standards


WLAN-802.11a PHY layer, READ MORE➤

WLAN-802.11b PHY layer, READ MORE➤

WLAN-802.11n PHY layer, READ MORE➤

WLAN-802.11ac Tutorial and Overview of 11ac features, 11ac tutorial and 11ac features➤.

WLAN-802.11ad Tutorial and Overview of 11ad features, 11ad tutorial and 11ad features➤.

Difference between 802.11 family of standards viz. 11a,11b,11g and 11n, READ MORE➤

WLAN MAC frames Links

WLAN Association Request and response frame   WLAN authentication Request and deauthentication frame   WLAN beacon frame   WLAN passive vs active scanning frame   WLAN Probe Request and response frame   WLAN reassociation Request and response frame  WLAN RTS and CTS frame  

RF and Wireless Terminologies