Fax Machine basics and how to use it

This page describes Fax machine basics, how to use fax machine and provide link to manufacturers of Fax machine.

The device which scans document and send the copy of it to the distant end using telephone network is called fax machine. In the days of internet fax machine finds stiff competition. In spite of this in the countries such as Japan it is very popular among households. This page describes Fax machine basics, how to use Fax machine and provide link to manufacturers of Fax machine.

How to use Fax machine

Fax machine uses different modulation techniques to convert information into the format suitable to be transmitted over the media. These vary based on different V standards such as V.27, V.29, V.17, V.34 and V.34bis. Let us see how fax machine works or use the fax machine with following steps.
As shown in the figure, at the sending end paper is fed into the fax machine
fax machine basics
1.The fax number of the receiving fax machine is fed into the sending fax machine.
2.After the handshake is established the process starts.
3.Now, sending fax machine which houses photo sensor, converts the information (images/text) into the format suitable to be transmitted over the telephone line. For FSK modulation fax machine, 800 Hz tone is used for white areas and 1300 Hz tone for black areas.
4.This information reaches at the other side on the fax machine, which converts modulated information and will print information (images/text) back on the paper. Hence the copy of the document gets printed on the other side.

Fax Machine Specifications

Data compression format- JPEG, JBIG, MMR
Fax resolution format in dpi for black and white, color
Internal Memory size
Capability- ITU T.37 or any other standard supported

Useful Links

For Fax machine manufacturers/vendors/suppliers visit following link.

RF and Wireless Terminologies