DigRF interface used in mobile handset

This page covers basics of DigRF interface and provide link to DigRF compliant device manufacturers and testing solution providers.

DigRF is a digital interface standard between baseband IC and RF IC. It is a standard by which chips from different manufacturers for baseband processing and RF functions can be seamlessly interconnected. It is mainly targeted for RF and baseband integration in a mobile handset. The DigRF interface specifications are finalized by working group members of MIPI alliance. Various versions have been released such as DigRF v3 and v4. DigRF v3 supports data transfer rate of about 312Mbps and v4 supports about 1.5 Gbps. Hence it is used for LTE and mobile wimax handsets/devices which support MIMO multiple antenna technology.

DigRF interface specifications

Following diagram depicts DigRF v3 serial data bus with 6 lines. Both data and control commands go over the same lines. The clock signal is used to enable transfer of data between the two entities (Baseband and RF parts).

 DigRF interface

As mentioned in the figure V3 DigRF interface supports full duplex data transfer, differential signaling format. The drawback is that it is not backward compatible to v1.12.

 DigRF interface V1.12

As shown here DigRF V1.12 interface has 8 lines between Baseband and RF parts. Rx and Tx data/command flows on the same line(RxTxData) but one at a time based on enable signal(RxTxEn).

RFIC is mainly used to provide configurations of RF channel frequency, bandwidth, power setting (used for gain control), PLL setting (used for frequency control) and to make TxON (Transmit radio ON), RxON (Receive radio ON).

DigRF References

The latest releases of DigRF interface specifications are available at following link.

DigRF v1.12, EGPRS version can be downloaded from following link

DigRF chip and solutions manufacturers/providers

READ OUR PAGE on DigRF compliant device manufacturers/suppliers/vendors and testing equipment providers.

Useful Links

RF Transceiver   GMSK   8PSK   AGC   RF Transceiver Design and Development

Useful other interfaces

RS232 interface   RS485 interface   RS422 interface   CAN interface   SPI interface   interface types and converters  

RF and Wireless Terminologies