Selection guide for wireless router purchase

This page describes how to setup wireless router and mention selection guide for wireless router need to be purchased.

As we know DSL modem provides internet access at fixed locations and can not be used during mobility. We need wireless router in order to browse and access internet from anywhere in our home in the living room, bed room etc. Let us go through the selection guide which is very useful when any one wants to buy the wireless router.

Following are the factors to be considered for wireless router.

➤ Wireless Network, Wifi or LTE required: This need to be choosen based on support available in the device you would like to use for internet. Wifi is based on WLAN standards such as 802.11a, 11b, 11g, 11n and 11ac. Devices based on WLAN 11ad is also under development. WLAN is popular for in-house or business premises. LTE will have more coverage compare to WLAN. Refer WiFi router and LTE router for various manufacturers of these wireless routers.

➤ RF Frequency bands single or dual: WLAN devices are available for 2.4GHz as well as 5GHz supports. Go through WLAN channels page for all the frequencies available in WiFi range. LTE has many frequencies based on various bands, go though LTE channel frequency bands.

➤ Router Speed needed: The speed of router for wireless access will vary based on standards supported.

➤ Security support available: Security is the main concern for the users of the wireless router. Most of the routers available provide WPA2 level of security. Hence cyber crime can be prevented.

➤ Support for IPV4 and IPV6: Based on IP network protocols these should be supported.

➤ Printer or file sharing support: The router with USB port and SD card slot will be a good choice for these features.

How to set up Linksys Wireless Router

Linksys wireless router How to setup linksys wireless router

Following is the guide for setting up of the linksys wireless router from Cisco. Figure-1 mentions the Linksys cisco router top view. Figure-2 mentions ports on the backside of the wireless router. These ports are suitably connected in order to quick setup of the wireless router.

Step-1: Power On the Wireless router by connecting AC-DC adapter to "12V DC power" port.

Step-2: Connect the Broadband line cable provided by internet service provider to the "Internet" Port.

Step-3: Once powered on router will start radiating electromagnetic RF signals compliant to WLAN standards 11n or 11ac. Devices such as laptops, tablets or smartphone need to have WLAN compliance in order to start browsing the internet.

Step-4: The wireless router can also be used directly by connecting PC ethernet cable to any of the four ports available on the backside as shown in the figure-2.

Step-5: Pls. note than username and password is required to be configured in the device which you would like to use for internet browsing.

Router related links

What is router
WiFi router
LTE router

RF and Wireless Terminologies