MBA colleges

The MBA skills taught in top business schools(B schools) fall under following disciplines. Marketing,Ethics,Accouting,Organizational Behavior,Quantitative Analysis,Finance,Operations, Economics and Strategy.

This page covers B schools or MBA colleges providing MBA courses across the world. It covers MBA colleges in USA, MBA colleges in UK,MBA colleges in Australia,INDIA,Canada,France, South Africa,Netherland and more.

B schools/MBA colleges conducting MBA courses in USA

Arcadia University, Pennsylvania

Arizona State University

Babson College

Boston College

Boston University School of Management

Brigham Young University

Carnegie Mellon: Tepper

Case Western Reserve University

Columbia Business School

Cornell University

Dartmouth College

Duke University

Emory University

George Washington University

Georgetown University

Harvard Business School

Hult International Business School

Indiana University

Michigan State University


New York University

Northwestern University

Ohio State University

Pennsylvania State University

Purdue University

Rice University


Stanford University

Texas A & M University

Thunderbird School of Global Management


University of Arizona

University of California at Berkeley

University of California at Irvine

University of Chicago

University of Florida

University of Illinois at Urbana

University of Iowa

University of Louisville

University of Maryland

University of Miami School of Business

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of North Carolina

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh

University of Rochester

University of South Carolina

University of Southern California

University of Texas at Austin

University of Virginia

University of Washington Business School

Vanderbilt University

Wake Forest University

Washington University

Wisconsin School of Business

Yale School of Management

B schools/MBA colleges conducting MBA courses in UK

Aston Business School

Birmingham Business School

Bradford School of Management

City University

Cranfield School of Management

Durham Business School

Imperial College Business School

Lancaster University Management School

Leeds University Business School

London Business School

Manchester Business School

Nottingham University Business School

University of Adelaide

University of Bath School of Management

University of Bradford

University of Buckingham

University of Cambridge: Judge

University of Derby

University of Edinburgh Business School

University of Hull

University of Northumbria

University of Oxford

University of Strathclyde Business School

University of Wales

Warwick Business School


Indian School of Business

IIM, Ahmedabad, India

B schools/MBA colleges conducting MBA courses in Australia

Australian School of Business

Deakin University

Edith Cowan University

Melbourne Business School

Murdoch University, Perth

Southern Cross University

The University of Western

University of Newcastle

Victoria University,Melbourne

MBA colleges in Singapore

National University of Singapore, Peking University, Website:
UCLA and National University of Singapore, Website:
Singapore Management University MBA, Website:

MBA colleges conducting MBA courses in Canada

University of Alberta

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto, Rotman

University of Western Ontario

York University, Schulion

MCGILL, Desautels

University of W.Ontario,Ivey


CEIBS, Business school or B school

Hong Kong UST Business School


Grenoble Graduate School of Business

HEC Paris

South Africa

University of Cape Town GSB

MBA colleges in Spain

Eada Spain

Esade Business School Spain

IE Business School Spain

Iese Business School Spain


Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School


Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Other Colleges and Universities across the world

Engineering colleges USA
colleges-universities UK
Engineering Universities Singapore
Universities-colleges Australia
Universities-colleges Canada
Universities colleges New Zealand
Universities colleges Malaysia
Universities colleges Spain
Universities colleges Netherlands
Colleges Universities Germany
Engineering colleges INDIA
Universities colleges London
Education in Singapore
Online colleges in USA

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